A People’s History Banned in Tucson Schools

Banned Book Cover: A People's History of the United StatesLast week, the Tucson Unified School District eliminated a popular Mexican American Studies program in local high schools that, in a short period of time, had done a lot of good.. . .When an outside audit gave the program a positive review, the district ended it anyway and, for good measure, ordered that teachers discontinue using texts like Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, Rodolfo Anaya’s Bless Me Ultima, Rodolfo Acuna’s Occupied America: A History of Chicanos, Elizabeth Martinez’s 500 Years of Chicano History, William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

Continue reading “Book Banning in Arizona” in Academe Blog by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic.


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