
This page features a catalog of Zinn’s written work including books, adaptions, and columns and articles in The Nation, the Boston Globe, The Progressive and ZCommunications magazine. For a fuller listing of books, articles, letters, films, audio, and photos from publishers, broadcasters, organizations, archives, libraries, and personal holdings, visit the Howard Zinn Digital Collection.


Books by Howard Zinn

Title and Publishers Year
book cover LaGuardia in Congress
Cornell University Press, 1959; Fall Creek Books, 2010
book cover The Southern Mystique

Knopf 1959; Touchstone 1972; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013

book cover SNCC: The New Abolitionists
Beacon Press, 1964; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013
book cover Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal
Beacon Press, 1967; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013
book cover Disobedience and Democracy: Nine Fallacies on Law and Order
Vintage, 1968; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013
book cover The Politics of History
Beacon Press, 1970; University of Illinois Press, 1990
book cover Postwar America: 1945–1971

Bobbs-Merrill, 1973; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013

book cover Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works

Beacon Press, 1977; South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013

Edited by Howard Zinn with multiple contributors

book cover A People’s History of the United States: 1492–Present
Harper & Rowe, 1980; multiple updates
book cover The Twentieth Century: A People’s History
HarperCollins, 1984; updated 2003
book cover Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology
Harper Perennial, 1990
book cover Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian
Common Courage Press, 1993; South End Press, 1999; Haymarket Books, 2013
book cover You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times
Beacon Press, 1994; 2002; 2018
book cover The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy
Seven Stories Press, 1997; updated in 2009
book cover Marx in Soho: A Play on History
South End Press, 1999; Haymarket Books, 2013
book cover The Future of History
Common Courage Press, 1999
book cover La otra historia de los Estados Unidos
Translated by Toni Strubel • Seven Stories Press, 2001; updated in 2011
book cover Howard Zinn on History

Seven Stories Press, 2001; updated 2013

book cover Howard Zinn on War

Seven Stories Press, 2001; updated 2013

book cover Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor’s Last Century

Beacon Press, 2001 • With Dana Frank and Robin D. G. Kelley

book cover Terrorism and War

Seven Stories Press, 2002


South End Press, 2002; Haymarket Books, 2013

book cover Artists in Times of War and Other Essays

Seven Stories Press, 2003

book cover Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice

HarperCollins, 2003

book cover The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known

HarperCollins, 2004

book cover Howard Zinn on Democratic Education

Paradigm Publishers, 2004

book cover Voices of a People’s History of the United States

Harper Perennial, 2006

book cover Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics

Harper Perennial, 2006

book cover Just War

Charta/Distributed Art Publisher, 2006

book cover A Power Governments Cannot Suppress

City Lights Publishers, 2007

book cover The Unraveling of the Bush Presidency

Seven Stories Press, 2007

book cover The State of the Union: Notes on an Obama Administration

Back Bay Books, 2009

book cover Uncommon Sense from the Writings of Howard Zinn

Paradigm Publishers, 2009

book cover The Bomb

City Lights Publishers, 2010

book cover Three Plays: The Political Theater of Howard Zinn: Emma, Marx in Soho, Daughter of Venus

Beacon Press, 2010

book cover Howard Zinn on Race

Seven Stories Press, 2011

book cover The Other Civil War: Slavery and Struggle in Civil War America

HarperCollins, 2011

book cover The Indispensable Zinn: The Essential Writings of the “People’s Historian”

The New Press, 2011

book cover The Historic Unfulfilled Promise

City Lights Publishers, 2012

book cover Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009

Haymarket Books, 2012

book cover Some Truths Are Not Self-Evident: Essays in The Nation on Civil Rights, Vietnam, and “The War on Terror”

The Nation Company, 2014


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Related Works & Adaptations

Title Type Authors and Performers Year
A People’s History of the United States: Abridged Teaching Edition Book Adapted by Kathy Emery and Ellen Reeves 2003
A People’s History of the United States: Highlights from the 20th Century Audio Read by Matt Damon 2004
The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known Audio Various performers 2004
Readings from Voices of a People’s History of the United States DVD Various performers 2005
Readings From Voices of A People’s History of the United States Audio Various performers 2006
Teaching with Voices of a People’s History of the United States Teaching Guide By Gayle Olson-Raymer 2006
A People’s History of the United States: The Wall Charts Posters Adapted by George Kirschner 2007
A Young People’s History of the United States Book Adapted by Rebecca Stefoff 2007, 2009, 2023
A People’s History of American Empire Book Adapted by Paul Buhle and Mike Konopacki 2008
A People’s History of the United States: 1492 to Present (Unabridged) Audio Read by Jeff Zinn 2009
Marx in Soho: A Play on History Audio Performed by Brian Jones 2010
A Young People’s History of the United States Audio Read by Jeff Zinn 2014
Howard Zinn’s Southern Diary: Sit-ins, Civil Rights, and Black Women’s Student Activism Book By Robert Cohen 2018


The Nation

Current Nation subscribers can access these articles at The Nation Digital Archive, or through an institutional EBSCO subscription. Some of these articles have been published in books of collected essays.

Title Type Date
Finishing School for Pickets Article August 6, 1960
Democracy for Whom? Review February 25, 1960
The Force of Nonviolence Article March 17, 1962
Kennedy: The Reluctant Emancipator Article December 1, 1962
SNCC: The Battle-Scarred Youngsters Article October 5, 1963
Incident in Hattiesburg Article May 18, 1964
Four Witness to a Mississippi Summer Article December 28, 1964
The Wobbly Spirit Review April 5, 1965
The New World: Fragments of the Old Review May 24, 1965
The South Revisited Article September 20, 1965
Vietnam: Setting the Moral Equation Article January 17, 1966
The War Fans: ‘“Affirmation Vietnam” Editorial February 28, 1966
Emancipation From Dogma: The Old Left and the New Article April 4, 1966
Should Harlem ‘Secede’? Review September 5, 1966
Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawl Article February 6, 1967
Three Prisoners: The Petty Route Home Article April 1, 1968
Civil Disobedience: Moral or Not? Review December 2, 1968
Society’s Best Students Letter to the Editor September 7, 1970
By Way of Amends Letter to the Editor November 13, 1972
A People’s Constitution: Some Truths Are Not Self-Evident Article August 1, 1987
Is This Really a ‘Just War’? Letter to the Editor November 26, 2001
The Others Article February 11, 2002
How to Get Out of Iraq: A Forum Article May 24, 2004
People’s History: No to War Letter to the Editor June 21, 2004
Beyond the New Deal Article April 7, 2008
A Big Government Bailout Commentary October 27, 2008


Boston Globe

Current Boston Globe subscribers can access these articles at the Boston Globe Archive, Some of these articles have been published in books of collected essays.

Title Type Date
Why They Protest Against Viet Nam War: Don’t Call Students Communists Op-ed October 24, 1965
“Drinan on war, peace, the church” – Book review of “Vietnam and Armageddon: Peace, War and the Christian Conscious” Review August 16, 1970
Cries from a paradise lost – Book review of “Voices from the Plain of Jars” Review February 18, 1973
Forked road of justice Op-ed December 6, 1974
History writing changes Left Field Stands Column December 20, 1974
When it comes to spending for national security . . . Left Field Stands Column January 17, 1975
Ron Zeigler and freedom of speech Op-ed January 31, 1975
When it comes to the big questions, ‘expertise’ falls flat Left Field Stands Column January 3, 1975
Courage, ingenuity are unemployed Left Field Stands Column February 14, 1975
Equality is the Point Letter to Editor February 25, 1975
Why cut off utilities because of unpaid bills? Left Field Stands Column February 28, 1975
State ignores law for prison reform and release of inmates into community Left Field Stands Column March 28, 1975
Turning our backs on other revolutions Left Field Stands Column March 14, 1975
Op-Ed: Children of Vietnam: … Helped bring war to an end Op-Ed April 12, 1975
Four women of courage Op-Ed April 25, 1975
Rent control and the housing shortage Op-Ed May 9, 1975
The Politicized People’s Tour Recommendation May 18, 1975
The Curious chronology of the Mayaguez incident Op-Ed May 23, 1975
Is $100 billion for the Pentagon just another ‘protection racket?’ Op-Ed June 20, 1975
The CIA, Rockerfeller and the boys in the club Op-Ed June 7, 1975
The Brooklyn Bridge and the Spirit of the Fourth Op-Ed July 4, 1975
Should Kissinger trow out the first ball . . . or go to showers? Op-ed July 18, 1975
Why should we get upset? It will only be a small nuclear war! Op-Ed July 18, 1975
A memory in an era of official murder Op-Ed August 22, 1975
When will the long feud end? Op-Ed September 19, 1975
Democracy on the Job Op-Ed October 3, 1975
Defense: A source of Money Op-Ed October 17, 1975
Some day, a winter without an eviction Op-Ed October 31, 1975
Stay awake, America! S-1 is nibbling at liberty! Op-Ed November 14, 1975
After the FBI and CIA secrets come out, very little will change Op-Ed December 2, 1975
All take notice: eviction proceedings have begun against the planet Earth Op-Ed December 12, 1975
Was Welch funeral used to divert nation from its real problems at home? Op-Ed January 9, 1976
Who will be the first to mention the secret word? Op-Ed January 24, 1976
What true socialism means to me Op-Ed February 7, 1976
Government distrust grows Op-Ed February 20, 1976
A true-false test about law and the Supreme Court Op-Ed March 5, 1976
BU’s fired employees prove theyc an beat power structure by standing together Op-Ed March 19, 1976
Presidents come and go, system remains Op-Ed April 2, 1976
$113 billion for defense, but schools, elderly and the poor go begging Op-Ed April 16, 1976
The ‘bloodbath’ in Vietnam just a myth Op-Ed May 3, 1976
How much have Americans learned from US history? Op-Ed May 14, 1976
Whom Will We Honor Memorial Day? Op-Ed June 2, 1976


The Progressive

Howard Zinn was featured extensively in The Progressive magazine between 1998 and 2010. We provide a list of columns and articles, and when available, links to read in full at either or

Title Type Access at Month Year
The Massacres of History Feature Not online August 1998
Private Ryan Saves War Feature October 1998
There Are Lies, and There Are Lies Column Not online November 1998
Eugene V. Debs and the Idea of Socialism Feature Not online January 1999
One Iraqi’s Story Feature Not online February 1999
Big Government for Whom? Column Not online April 1999
A Diplomatic Solution Column May 1999
Their Atrocities—and Ours Column July 1999
Words of Encouragement

aka “‘Inspire Please'” at ZComm

Column September 1999
Respecting the Holocaust

aka “A Larger Consciousness” at ZComm

Column November 1999
A Flash of the Possible Column January 2000
Delusion 2000: How the Candidates View the World Feature Not online March 2000
One Radical Who Did It All Column April 2000
Unsung Heroes Column June 2000
The Bombs of August Column Not online August 2000
A Campaign Without Class Column November 2000
Disputed Elections, Concealed Facts

aka “Tennis on the Titanic” at ZComm

Column February 2001
Artists of Resistance Column Not online July 2001
The Greatest Generation? Column October 2001
Remembering 9/11: Howard Zinn on the “The Old Way of Thinking” Column November 2001
A Just Cause, Not a Just War Column December 2001
Operation Enduring War Column March 2002
A Break-in for Peace Column July 2002
U.S. Attack on Iraq Would Violate International Law Column August 2002
What War Looks Like Column October 2002
On Veterans Day, a former bombardier’s reflections on war Column November 2002
The Toll of War Column December 2002
Our Job is a Simple One: Stop Them Column December 2002
A Holy Outlaw Column February 2003
A Chorus Against the War Feature March 2003
Dying for the Government Column June 2003
With War in Iraq, Echoes of Vietnam Can Still Be Heard Column July 2003
Humpty Dumpty Will Fall Column August 2003
An Occupied Country Column October 2003
The Logic of Withdrawal Column January 2004
The Ultimate Betrayal to Our Soldiers Would Be to Forget Feature April 2004
Opposing the War Party Column May 2004
What Do We Do Now? Column June 2004
Dissent at the War Memorial Column August 2004
Kerry Should Walk Away from Iraq Op-ed September 2004
Our War on Terrorism Column November 2004
Harness That Anger Column Janaury 2005
U.S. Must Withdraw from Iraq Op-Ed Progressive January 2005
Changing Minds, One at a Time Column March 2005
Memorial Day: honor those seeking peace Op-ed May 2005
The Scourge of Nationalism Column June 2005
A Surgeon’s Touch Column September 2005
Don’t Despair About the Supreme Court Column October 2005
It’s not Up to the Court Column Not online November 2005
After the War Column January 2006
Lessons of Iraq War Start with U.S. History Column March 2006
America’s Blinders Feature April 2006
Howard Zinn on The Uses of History and the War on Terrorism Op-ed December 2006
Put Away the Flags Column July 2006
No Human Being Is Illegal Column July 2006
Howard Zinn’s July 4th Wisdom Column Progressive July 2006
Why Wars Fail Column Not online November 2006
We Need “People’s Impeachment Hearings” across U.S. Op-ed Progressive January 2007
Impeachment by the People Feature February 2007
Are We Politicians or Citizens? Column May 2007
Kurt Vonnegut Remembered Column Not online June 2007
Our Favorite Books Review Not online December 2007
Let’s Come to Our Senses About the Election Column March 2008
Election Madness Column March 2008
Howard Zinn Defends Studs Terkel from Red-Baiting in the Times Column November 2008
The Obama Difference Column October 2008
Changing Obama’s Mindset Feature May 2009
Untold Truths About the American Revolution Column July 2009
A Just Cause ≠ a Just War Feature Not Online July 2009
Nobel’s Feeble Gesture Column Not online Dec/Jan 2009/ 2010

Interviews and Tributes to Howard Zinn

Title Author Month Year
Outside the Classroom: An Interview with Howard Zinn (excerpt) David Barsamian July 1997
Distilled Zinn Editors March 2010
Thank you, Howard Matthew Rothschild March 2010


Howard Zinn’s columns were part of ZCommunications Daily Commentaries Series. The following are published on the website.

Title Month Year
Je Ne Suis Pas Un Marxiste’ June 1998
On Getting Along March 1999
Whose Atrocity is Bigger? May 1999
‘Inspire Please…’ July 1999
Beyond the Soviet Union September 1999
A Larger Consciousness October 1999
On Rewarding People for Talents and Hard Work November 1999
Seattle December 1999
Notes for a Gathering January 2000
Sender Garlin March 2000
The Heroes Around Us May 2000
A Fourth of July Commentary July 2000
Downfall August 2000
A Campaign Without Class September 2000
Tennis on the Titanic December 2000
Veterans Day November 2002
Victory? July 2003
An Occupied Country September 2003
Of Paradise and Power February 2004
The Optimism of Uncertainty September 2004
Antiwar Talk at the Boston Commons March 2007
Sacco and Vanzetti April 2007
Are Hillary and Obama Afraid of Talking About the New Deal? April 2008


Howard Zinn Interviews

Title Interview By Month Year
Zinn on Growing Up, Objectivity, Bombing, Media, Genocide, and Propaganda David Barsamian November 2002
An Interview with Howard Zinn Shelly R. Fredman May 2006
The Citizens Among Us Gabriel Matthew Schivone August 2008

Other Outlets

Links provided where possible to access the articles. In some cases, you may need a subscription to read. Let us know if there are other articles or outlets to add.

Title Outlet Date
The Great Refusal: Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962–1968 (Book Review) Boston Review April 1983
The Power and the Glory: Myths of American Exceptionalism Boston Review July 2, 2012
Scare Words Leave Scars on Every One Newsday Jan 22, 1989
Will Mass. Dems Pick an Anti-Democrat? Opposed to much of what the party nominally stands for, Bston U’s president wants its nod for governor. Newsday July 27 1990
So We Defeat Saddam Hussein — So What? Newsday Feb 12, 1991
A Kinder, Gentler Patriotism Newsday Apr 13, 2003
Check the Facts Before Rushing to War Newsday Apr 14, 2004
Kerry Must Become the New Anti-war Candidate Newsday September 17, 2004
How Can America Get out of Iraq? The Guardian May 12, 2004
It Is Not Only Iraq That Is Occupied. America Is Too The Guardian Aug 11, 2005
From Empire to Democracy The Guardian Oct 2, 2008
War and Peace Prizes The Guardian Oct 10, 2009


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Check out the Howard Zinn Digital Collection to search Zinn’s bibliography by books, articles, audio, video, and more.
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