Recorded a month after 9/11, America’s finest social historian examines the role, and response, of artists in society, and particularly, during wartime. With his distinctive blend of low key wit, expansive knowledge of history, and Sherlockian ability to uncover the real stories of this country underneath the detritus of corporate disinformation and monoculture, Zinn — through the words and actions of the likes of Langston Hughes, Mark Twain, Eugene O’Neill, Ford Madox Ford, and Joseph Heller — explains that pride in one’s country comes not from the words and deeds of the government, but from the actions of working people. [Publisher’s description.]

Produced by David Barsamian. Recorded at the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston on Oct, 10. 2001. Released by AK Press, 2002. Available on Spotify.


1) The Artist and Society
2) The Historian and Society
3) Artists and Experts
4) Standing in Line
5) Mark Twain on War
6) Patriotism and Loyalty
7) Artists and the Great War
8) Eugene O’Neill and the Good War
9) Langston Hughes, the U.S. and Imperialism
10) Catch 22
11) Speaking Out
12) Opposing War, Transcending Terror
13) The Patriotic Thing to Do

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