Source or Publisher: Publishers & Broadcasters

On Getting Along

By Howard Zinn. Article. ZCommunications. March 7, 1999.
You ask how I manage to stay involved and remain seemingly happy and adjusted to this awful world where the efforts of caring people pale in comparison to those who have power? It’s easy. First, don’t let "those who have power" intimidate you.…Second, find people to be with who have your values, your commitments, but who also have a sense of humor. That combination is a necessity!
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Zinn and the Art of Liberal Persuasion

Interviewed by Perspective • March 1999
"My aim is to kind of provoke people to get active, people who've got some awareness of what's going on in the world, who have enough awareness to come to one of my talks. They have a little bit of awareness, and my hope is to increase that awareness, and turn it into action.… I use history to expose information which has been concealed, and which is troubling. History has a very—you might say gloomy—message when you look at what has happened in history. And then on the other hand to counter that with the stories of social movements that have done very inspiring and marvelous things."
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‘History as a Political Act’

Howard Zinn interviewed by Raymond Lotta. Revolutionary Worker. December 20, 1998.
"Beneath the surface of youthful 'ambition'—'need to graduate,'' 'need to make a career'—beneath that surface, I believe there's always among young people a hunger to do something worthwhile and important. And if you present young people something that is happening, that touches them...I find that they respond."
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Mergers, Lying Presidents, Activism and Noam Chomsky

Howard Zinn interviewed by Amy Goodman. Democracy Now! December 7, 1998.
Last week’s announcement of the proposed merger of two oil giants, Exxon and Mobil, would create not only the largest oil company in the world, but also the world’s single largest corporation. We speak with historian Howard Zinn for the historical context of the merger, as well as his philosophy on life and activism.
HOWARD ZINN: "It’s just part of a long-term development in American history of the increasing power of corporations."
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Clip of Saving Private Ryan |

Private Ryan Saves War

Article by Howard Zinn. The Progressive. October 1998.
"I was angry…because I did not want the suffering of men in war to be used—yes, exploited—in such a way as to revive what should be buried along with all those bodies in Arlington Cemetery: the glory of military heroism."
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Historian Zinn Addresses Nation’s Censored Reports

Talk by Howard Zinn. Democracy Now! May 13, 1998.
HOWARD ZINN: Whatever we’re doing, we’re urged to be neutral. And to be neutral in an unneutral world, that is, to be neutral in a world where thing are already happening—that is, children are already going hungry, wars are going on, and terrible things are going on—and you can’t—to be neutral in a world like that is to collaborate with whatevers happening. And we don’t want to—the people we’re honoring here tonight have chosen not to collaborate.
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Outside the Classroom

Howard Zinn interviewed with David Barsamian. The Progressive. July 1997.
"When people get discouraged because they do something and nothing happens, they should really understand that the only way things will happen is if people get over the notion that they must see immediate success. If they get over that notion and persist, then they will see things happen before they even realize it."
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Historian Howard Zinn on History and Politics

Talk by Howard Zinn. Democracy Now! June 10, 1997.
HOWARD ZINN: After you lived a little and struggled a little and been involved a little, you learn at some point along the line that that’s not quite democracy. It’s very far, very far from democracy. I remember seeing—that voting is a puny act in a society which is much, much more complex and where power and people have a much more intricate relationship than they could possibly have in a voting booth.
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Howard Zinn on Indigenous People’s Day

Democracy Now! • October 14, 1996
HOWARD ZINN: That word "disinterested" has been used a lot. And I never believed in doing disinterested history. I didn’t believe it was possible to do disinterested history. History always represents interests of one sort or another. History always has an effect.
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Howard Zinn’s Testimony in the Cruise Missile and Missile X Factory Trial

Testimony by Howard Zinn. Clip from the film Trial of the AVCO Plowshares. November 26, 1985.
In 1985, Dr. Howard Zinn testified for the defense in the criminal trial of seven citizens who hammered equipment and poured blood on blueprints for the Cruise Missile and Missile X factory in Wilmington, MA. The video shows Dr. Zinn’s compelling testimony in which he makes the case for non-violent civil disobedience as instrumental in changing American history and advancing democracy.
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